Previous Presentations

Sister Roseann Reddy of the Cardinal Winning pro-life initiative spoke to a packed out Immaculate Heart meeting room on Tuesday 15 June 2010.  Her talk was totally engrossing around the theme that abortion is wrong but those women who endure it do so not out of disrespect for their unborn child but because of the lack of any other clear option.  Sister Reddy described how it has become her life’s work to offer another, better way.
Previous speakers include Catholic Bishop of Leeds, Bishop Arthur Roche, Julia Millington (Pro-life Alliance), Varria Russell-White (LIFE Yorkshire PR Officer),   Josephine Quintaville, Maureen Brown (Leeds LIFE), Sue Hulbert (British Victims of Abortion), Paul Tully (SPUC), John Smeaton (SPUC), Pat Sammon (Leeds Good Counsel Network), Yvonne Searle (Leeds CARE), James Drife (pro-choice gynaecologist).